Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Recollections of the School Days

Be it a weakness, it deserves some praise,
We love the play-place of ourearly days,
The scene is touching and the heart is stone
That feels not at the sight, and feels at none;
The wall on which we tried our graving skill,
The very name we carved sustisting still,
The banch on which we sat while deep employed;
Though mangled, hackled and hewed, not yet destroyed;
The little ones, unbuttoned, glowing hot,
Playing our games and on the very spot;
The Pleasing Spectacle at ones excites-
Such recollections of our delights,
That viewing it, we seem almost to obtain
Our innocent sweet simple years again.

Recollections of the School Days

Be it a weakness, it deserves some praise,
We love the play-place of ourearly days,
The scene is touching and the heart is stone
That feels not at the sight, and feels at none;
The wall on which we tried our graving skill,
The very name we carved sustisting still,
The banch on which we sat while deep employed;
Though mangled, hackled and hewed, not yet destroyed;
The little ones, unbuttoned, glowing hot,
Playing our games and on the very spot;
The Pleasing Spectacle at ones excites-
Such recollections of our delights,
That viewing it, we seem almost to obtain
Our innocent sweet simple years again.

Save The Girl Child.........

"Change in the winds,
Change in the rains;
Yet nothing in the mind,
For women's pains.

An intention of comfort,
A war for supreme power;
The result of this facet,
Did u ever discover?"

Have we ever thought what a bubbly, sweet little female embroy, a girl, a women, a wife and mainly a mother has to suffer due to men's dominating supremacy? Girl child in the mother's womb is being frequently killed. There are activities of Sex Selection by parents of the embroy if it is of a girl and these and many more activities go on and on and on................where is all this leading us to?
Yes, to the extinction of women from this society.

Previously, we used to read in newspapers that some animal species are being extinct. If our activities against women goes on as it is at present, in a less time, the new channels will switch over to the news of women extinctions from india specially.

Women are caught between the DEVIL and DEEP SEA. If they give birth to a girl child, they have a devil, aka, their family abusing them. And if they abort the child, they feel a deep sea of tears in their hearts.

India is loosing a million girls to sex selection annually. The think brigade is uncharitably ignoring an entire middle kingdom as it recognizes only the far ends of the spectrum, the male and the female, the boy and the girl,......

Today one thing is clear-

The sex ratio in India has steadily declined. what's worse, the masculation of sex ration at birth is no longer raestricted in the northern states.

Why all this?
REASON: A relatively new conservatism, spread and headed by the religious and political rights has made matters worse.

"Two simple words 'D' and 'O';
Place them side by side however'
And they form a word potent enough-
To turn a mass of people into a nation."

One way to attack this concealed conservatism is to make the girl child an economically attratctive option. To give them as much concession and security as possible. Our motto should be to educate the illiterate and to infuse educatiopn in the literates. Any person committing female infanticide be expelled from the society and be liable for punishment.

India is a country in transition with women bearing the burnt. A political, cultural and economic assault on their exploitation is the need today. A SMILING LAXMI ought to be the face of mordern India. Beacuse......

"Female Infanticide is on the rise,
Something has to be done for their cries.
She is the one who gives you birth,
She is the one who helps you through life's mirth.
And she is the one who is fighting for her life;
So the need of the hour is to save the girl child."

I request you all not to just talk, talk and talk.... but to walk on their talks.