Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Adventures of Tin Tin - The Secret of the Unicorns

The comic book creation of the Belgian artist Herge, Tintin has captivated the imagination of generations of readers since his first appearance way back in 1929.

A Race against Evil. A World Beyond Imagination. An Adventure beyond belief. Take a bow Steven Spielberg. ‘Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn’ is one of the best 3D film for this year. If there could have been anyone who could have given the boy audiences' eyes on screen, it could only have been Steven Spielberg! From the mind boggling graphics to some uber special effects, almost everything in the movie is perfect.

The film is engaging from title credits itself and keeps the viewer engaged all throughout with interesting twist and turns. The chase,the desert and the final showdown are THE best I have seen in an animation movie...Splendid! The cutting-edge computer animation seamlessly blends the voices, expressions and movements of the actors. Action set pieces, including a roller-coaster chase on the streets of a Moroccan port town, alternate with scenes of banal slapstick.

The Adventures of Tintin…, happily, reconfirms Steven Spielberg's status as King of the Blockbusters. Watch it if you are a Tintin fan, you won’t be disappointed. And if you are new to the world of Herge and his wonder boy, then you have just stumbled upon gold.

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