I knew exactly what love looks like, in 5th grade. If love was to wander into my Home-room, I would recognize him.
Love, ...would be charming;
Love, ...would pretend stupid to make me smile;
Love, ...would walk with me from school to my way home and not complain;
Love, ...would sit beside me in every class;
Love, ...would eat from my tiffin and use my pencil;
Love, ...would share all his game and sweets with me.
But, I never found Love.
I knew he was out there somewhere, searching for me.
I looked every classroom, every hallway, but Love never showed up.
May be I was searching at the wrong Time and Zone, I consoled myself...
Then I grew older and one day suddenly, I found him... I found Love.
Love had changed...
Love would move around topless;
Love had long hair and he wore a ... a hemp necklace;
Love, ...would try to act smart and looked handsome;
Love, ...was popular amongst the crowd;
Love, ...knew all my favourite songs and he would take me to cool hangouts;
Love, ...would spend every evening with me and everytime it would be better than the yesterday;
Love, ...would call me everyday and talks for hours on and on...
I would lie to my parents to go with him for movies...
But, Love left... He left me for her.
Love almost vanished like smoke.
I had so many dreams, so many places to go, so many drinks to try...
But it didn't matter.
Love never came back.
He stayed away for years.
Then, One scary night, When I was least expecting it,
Love entered again into my life...
Just like beautiful woods suddenly come when you road-travel,
And you can't help but stop by and embrace the beauty of it.
Love was different now...
Love, ...had grown older, more mature, and understanding;
Love, ...no more took me for granted;
Love, would tease me all the time only to hug me at the end of the day and kiss me like its our last kiss ever;
Love, ...would fight with other boys to protect me;
Love, ...respected my differences and my aspirations;
Love, ...would just smile and all my doubts would fade.
Love, ...fought with me when he felt neglected;
Love, ...expected me to always be there for him and not counter-respond-sameway-sometimes;
Love, ...was selfish;
Love, ...sometimes hated me...
And seems Love, cursed and would swear too!!!
It might so happen that some years down the line,
After the separation, you come by him,
And you realize Love hasn't changed much,
And neither have your feelings for him...
Its totally different
But somehow Love tries hard to get back.
I feel that I don't know Love anymore,
That I don't have space for love in my life anymore,
That I don't want love.
Love makes me realize, he needs me.
Love is alone, so am I;
Love no longer hates me, In fact, Love cares for me;
Love would make me bed-tea and cookies every Sunday;
Love would hold my hand while crossing the roads;
Love would sleep with his arms hugging me tight so that I can't leave and go;
Love would kiss my forehead everytime I cry to lemme know that he will make it alright;
Love would say "I Love You" and smile, a mesmerizing smile;
Love would say "You are beautiful" over and over again, -
When I least expect him,
When I know I am dressed up the ugliest,
When I hate him,
When I am down,
When I don't wanna hear it,
Over and over again;
Even thought I know he is lying.
But sometimes love would forget to hold me tight when I really need him,
Forget to hug me to sleep when I feel lonely,
Forget to say I love you when I am down.
So what?
Love is not what you want.
Love is not carved out of your expectations or predictions or feelings;
Love is imperfect and Love is an Ungrown Child;
Love is pure and Love is serene;
Love is just there ... the way its supposed to be.
May be Love won't leave;
May be Love won't stay.
May be Love shouldn't Stay!!!
Love is like Seasons.
It arrives exactly when the time comes
And it leaves when the time ripes.
Welcome it when it arrives.
Open your arms wide when it knocks at your door and cherish it.
Switch on the lights,
Play the music and dance to the tunes of Love.
And when the time is ripe,
Dim the lights,
Switch off the music,
Put on your glasses,
Hide your tears,
Acknowledge the silence and say to Love -
"It was nice Knowing you. Thanks for stopping by..."