Another year has passed me by... When I look back to this day a year back, all my memories come back to life. It was the best New year's Eve ever with all my best buddies. I will never forget that night...
This year has given and taken alot from me. It has given the best people I could endure and taken away the rarest ones from my life. But I am not complaining... Coz the Book of Life has uncountable chapters and each chapter brings something new to cherish. But I am not complaining...
Because, 2012 has given me much more than it took away. It gave me the rarest and most important people that are going to stay till the end of my life and would never leave my story...
It was not a Pretty-Perfect year; It definitely was a year of mistakes. And I made loads of mistakes I do regret... But what's life without mistakes?!?!! I have learnt and evolved better. I have changed from a psychotic, hypnotic, sick, carefree, idiot to a better person, I feel... ;)
And as Oprah Winfrey would say-
“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”
With a new dawn, a new awakening, a new relationship, a new love, a new feeling, a new light, a new darkness, a new confidence, a new opportunity, a new determination to make things right, and A New ME & HIM; all I wanna say is "ATTRAVERSIAMO".
P.S.: Happy New Year fellas... God bless you... :-)