The burning ball of light had just set the day in motion;
When she opened her eyes.
It was just another day for her;
Except for the fact that, it brought with it a new excitement for her-
To dance to the tune of winds,
To sing to the flow if water,
To play with the cool breeze,
To fall in love with Cinderella's Prince...
She knew that the world out there will never acknowledge these hopes;
She knew its Bull Shit.
And she got up from her fantasy dream,
With a mind rushing through the day's work schedule -
To finish her assignments to submit,
To take her Mother to the doctor,
To help her Father with his Accounts,
To bake the cake for her best friend's birthday,
And ... The most frightening work of all "getting herself safely back home!"
She stared at her reflection in the mirror.
She questions herself-
'when you know the wild animal out there is waiting to hunt you down, how can you wake up with this smile on your face everyday?'
She replies-
'I know that the wild is waiting out there for me,
I know he will not rest till he detaches this happy soul from this body,
I know that I might not return back myself,
I know that I might not return at all,
But, I also know -
That the Tame-ones are also out there,
That I am on my own in the world of dangers which I am going to fight;
Because I am the Tigress, the Laxmibai, my Own-Protector;
And above all The Women!'
And she scoots through the day,
With the biggest smile showing her belief that today nothing would go wrong and If it does, She knows She will sail through it...
Because she knows that -
"The only thing you need to change is the belief that nothing will."
Because -